Monday, April 8, 2019


Traveled for years through foreign lands
Kept myself useful with murderous hands
Traded skill for gold avenging weak folk
Lived too long on this strenuous path
Clock ticking down for justice's wrath
Shopping around for a brand new cloak

Caught a bolt through the shoulder
Nearly fried up by the eye a beholder
Wild beasts claws thrashing for my croak
My mind fought against my will
Fancy ladies tried to murder with a poison pill
Scouting about for a brand new cloak

Put my hands to steel as novice blacksmith
My fingers to the quill, crafting adventurous myths
Swung my axe hacking through monstrous oak
Days dragged slow, time had stopped
Need to find something for my heart to unlock
Staring at the clouds praying for a new cloak

Townsfolk appreciated my murderous hands
But I yearned for different uses, different plans
Begged them to hear the words I spoke
Words fell on dead ears faster than my foes
Ignored my wisdom, all the ideas I proposed

Sobbing in the shadows for a brand new cloak